Professional Registrations
Architect AIBC
- MA Architecture, University of Oregon
- BA, Studio Art, Calvin University
Will has worked with Cascadia Architects since 2015, and has been working in architecture since 2006 for firms based in California, Oregon and B.C. He is committed to human well being, as well as design excellence — pursuing a broad range of work experience as a result. Will has been involved in everything from clean water civil projects in Latin America, to naval architecture in Victoria, BC. He considers Vancouver Island the most exciting place to live, design and build buildings.
Please tell us about any Volunteer Organizations you are a apart of, or Roles you occupy.
Saanich's Advisory Design Panel: I was honoured to be appointed as a member of Saanich's ADP, the largest municipality in the Greater Victoria Area, and one I call home.
AMSSA's (Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies) Housing Advisory Committee: Crossing two passions, migration and housing, I'm able to combine my personal experiences with my professional expertise in this committee's review of the impact of housing policy on refugee and migrant families in BC.
Street Hope: It changes one's perspectives to view the world through those experiencing poverty, lack of supportive community, and homelessness. Volunteers develop personal relationships with those living on the margins of society, encouraging them toward a healing path.
What specific interests within the field of architecture do you have?
My passions revolve around human habitat, the design process, patterns of living, urban design, planning and education.
Are there specific books for schools of thought in architecture that inspire you?
I’ve enjoyed many books over the years, but I would argue that the cross-pollination of various ideas is the real source of inspiration.
Is there an architecturally significant city you would like to visit?
Top of my list would be visiting Kyoto, Mexico City, New York and Hong Kong.