The design concept of this Passive House fourplex presents an elegant and eco-conscious addition to the established Victoria community of Fairfield. It brings a sense of timeless architecture that responds to the uniqueness of the location, adding to the strength and character of the area, while being respectful to neighbouring properties.
The low slope roof will allow for future installation of photovoltaic panels.
Two suite entry doors together with the 2 level building mass will appear like a duplex.
Landscape design includes a rain-garden with new trees that (when matured) won't detract from accessibility and views.
Triple pane doors and windows used throughout.
Solar Ready Design elements and solar shading.
Use of natural and recyclable building materials, and where possible materials sourced within 800km of the site.
LED lighting, low-flow plumbing fixtures, and energy efficient appliances used.
Stormwater retention on site through rain-gardens as well as extensive green roof space.
Secure bike storage and off-street parking stalls.