Comment: In the quest to remake Saanich, think small

December 29, 2024

A commentary by an architect and urbanist.

Growing up in a small town, getting a driver’s licence was a rite of passage — a moment that marked the transition to adulthood. For a self-proclaimed car lover, it was more than just a legal milestone; it was a key to freedom and adventure.

My driver’s licence opened up a bigger world, transforming familiar pathways into an extensive playground ready for exploration.

Over time, I traded that life for a suburban one, where the vehicle of adventure now carries my cleat-clad children to soccer practice. We squeeze in grocery stops and Home Depot runs between drop-offs and pick-ups.

My world is compact: The kids navigate between our home near Uptown to their elementary, middle and secondary schools. But the centre of our world is Braefoot Park’s Lakehill Soccer Association.

Our lives revolve largely around the Quadra and McKenzie corridors.

When the District of Saanich announced plans to redesign these primary corridors we depend on daily, they had my attention...

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